Looking for an interesting, proper armored vehicle officer for your "lonely" Arowana? Freshwater stingrays are one of the best captivating of appropriate armored combat vehicle mate options. Their bottom-dwelling traditions as asymptomatic as their environmental and intake requirements brand them outstandingly expedient additions to sound Arowana tanks.
Ray Background and Characteristics
Rays belong to the Chondrichthyes standing and are unequivocally gristly. They are primarily round, broad, level fish. Freshwater rays come up in a smorgasbord of sizes and can extent from 10 inches to all over 3 feet! The rays utmost usually kept by vivarium keepers are members of the Potamotrygonidae (or "P") family unit. These normally achieve roughly speaking 18 inches and fit very well in an Arowana armoured vehicle.
By far the number of freshwater rays accessible to hobbyists hailstones head-on from the Amazon River Basin. They athletics an remarkable collection of patterns that assistance to disguise them along river bottoms. Spots, scribbles, rosettes, and small circular, pebble-like patterns are whatever of the most dazzling and provocative ray patterns.
Freshwater rays have hefty jaws environment which allow them to eat a mixture of crustaceans and shellfish. They also have a countenance "tail stinger" up to twice over their largeness in fundamental measure. These are appendages that are mordacious at the end and characteristic zootoxin glands. The ray's "sting" (the complete external body part) is whipped up beside violent rate of knots below grieve. Even wee or newborn rays can entail painful, cyanogenic stings beside their appendage. Venomous stings are as a rule replaced all few months, and aid should be interpreted to transfer and discard still-venomous, born stings scarcely.
Rays are not hostile by nature, and their process stingers truly are thoughtful a defending team gears. Rays tend to reside the pedestal of a reservoir and allure gnomish curiosity from surface-dwelling Arowanas. Should an Arowana affect a Ray, however, mutilation to both is liable to turn out. Housing a larger or grownup ray as opposing to a young, small specimen is wise. The magnitude of the larger ray may discourage the Arowana from forthcoming it.
Caring for Rays in the Aquarium
Freshwater rays prefer decidedly clean, well-filtered tracked vehicle river. The concentration demanded by Arowanas in expressions of h2o prize on the whole ensures rays expand as their cistern family. They prefer a heat and pH in splash near that of Arowanas, and even relish many of the aforementioned foods. Rays burgeon on a diet featuring live diet such as as farm-raised earthworms, blood worms, shrimp, and pieces of fish. Rays like to fur in dirt or marvellous gravel, but it is not obligatory for their welfare. Tank decorations specified as rocks and driftwood are similarly not sought for their quality.
Unlike Arowanas, stout rays should cut briskly to their new situation. Care must be interpreted during the acclimatization time that the Arowana waste impartial in the ray. At the first warning sign of any trouble, without beating about the bush extricate the ray from the tank!
Rays do compel whatsoever peculiar considerations to assure optimum health:
o Rays are scaleless aquatic vertebrate and cannot put up the bulk of fish medications unless injected
o Plecostomus and different sucker-mouthed fish may suck the safety-related matter coat from rays, effort harm and even death
o Heaters can bring down george burns to a ray's lp. To bar injury, a protective enclosure should be situated say heaters, regardless of location.