The branch of learning of Byron\\'s The Vision of Judgment is incompletely written material and partly political, but its spring was Byron\\'s loathing of Cant and lip service.
On the modification of King George III, old, mad, and blind, in 1820, the Poet Laureate Robert Southey produced a laudatory literary work. Written in unrhymed hexameter, its attempts at self-respect achieved no more than a banal ostentation. But far worse was its false piety and obsequious highness. Entitled \\"The Vision of Judgment\\" it showed George III\\'s conclusion entrance into the computer scientist of promised land and the denouncement of his enemies. To Byron, the deliberate flattery of a King, who was at prizewinning second-rate and at pessimum tyrannical, was amazingly distasteful.
Byron was more than ever incensed because he saw Southey as a renegade - one who had at one time espoused the tolerant cause, but had then denaturised his racing colours to sanction the reigning Tory celebration. Further Southey had publicly attacked Byron\\'s verse as belonging to the \\"Satanic School\\" whose outcome was to countermine divinity and to vitiated ethical motive. Southey was guilty too, as Byron believed, for dispersal lasting spicy rumours about Byron\\'s life span in Switzerland. (Byron so had torrid personal business beside in the order of sixty to seventy women). Byron here took reprisal by assailing both Southey and his \\"Vision\\" near unstinted mockery.
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At the gates of Heaven, incommunicative by St. Peter, we find the archangel Michael and Satan claiming King George\\'s spirit for glory and hell respectively. The occasion comes when the old nick Asmodeus comes carrying the rhymester Southey himself, taken in the Lake District of England as he was inscription his \\"Vision\\". Southey, to his delight, is invited to perform his nursery rhyme lone to brainwave its hexameter so tactless as to flout recitation.
After this playing around on his \\"gouty feet\\" Byron lets him coil off an commentary of his building complex as a deserter. He had written praiseful regicide as too all kings. He had written both for and against republics, warfare, the reviewing business and also anarchistic design. He offers to write the life of Satan; and when Satan denies the offer, to pen Michael\\'s natural life. As he starts to execute his \\"Vision\\" the amassed angels, devils and ghosts all nonexistent to exit the miserable suffer. St. Peter knocks downbound next to his keys Southey, who falls behind into a lake, but in a minute came up to the surface
\\"For all corrupt material possession are buoyed approaching corks\\" and he may be concealed at his den now to \\"scrawl several \\'Life\\' or \\'Vision\\'\\".
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Byron\\'s Vision is a laughable biting wit whose theme is wearing definite by a devastating scorn, disdain and hilarity at Southey the man and writer.